IE MS (thesis) programs of study comprise a minimum of 45 credits, distributed as follows:

1.    Thesis Credits

IE MS-Thesis students must complete 6-12 credits of IE 503 Thesis.

2.    Core Coursework

IE MS-Thesis students must complete a minimum of six core courses of major coursework:

  • IE 512: Information Systems Engineering (4 credits)
  • IE 521: Industrial Optimization I (3 credits) or IE 522: Industrial Optimization II (3 credits)
  • IE 545: Human Factors Engineering (4 credits)
  • IE 570: Management Systems Engineering (4 credits) or IE 571: Project Management in Engineering (3 credits) or IE 575: Systems Thinking Theory and Practice (4 credits)
  • IE 552: Design of Industrial Experiments (3 credits)
  • IE 563: Advanced Production Planning and Control (3 credits)

3.    Additional Coursework

MS-Thesis students are required to bring their coursework credit total to a minimum of 33 credits by choosing additional graduate-level coursework to complete their program of study. All courses on the Program of Study form must be approved by the student's major professor.

4.    Transcript-visible Option(s) Coursework

MS-Thesis students may declare a transcript-visible option (see OSU Catalog for available options). Declaring an option is not required.

5.    Transcript-visible Minor(s) Coursework

MS-Thesis students may declare a 15-credit minor from a program outside of Industrial Engineering. Declaring a minor is not required.