In addition to their core coursework, industrial engineering students have an additional 22–26 credits of restricted electives that can be used to either focus on a particular area of industrial engineering or broaden their knowledge in other fields.

Students who are interested in applying industrial engineering concepts in business environments should consider using their restricted elective credits to complete the IE Business Engineering option, which includes courses in engineering project management, management systems engineering and advanced manufacturing costing techniques as well as several College of Business courses (see below).

The IE Business Engineering option currently requires four additional credits above the University’s required 180 to graduate, and students must declare the option early in their professional program in order to allow for prerequisites and sequencing.

Course Requirements for the IE Business Engineering Option

  • IE 470 –  Management Systems Engineering
  • IE 471 –  Project Management in Engineering
  • IE 475 – Advanced Manufacturing Costing Techniques
  • BA 211 – Financial Accounting
  • BA 230 – Business Law
  • BA 390 – Marketing
  • FIN 342 – Advanced Financial Management

Adding a Business Minor

Students completing the IE Business Engineering option often add a Business Minor to their program, as there is some overlap between requirements for the Option, and minors offered by the College of Business. Review to understand more about possible Business minors. Please also meet with a MIME advisor to discuss how the minor might fit into your academic plans.