
‘Stuff that’s really cool’

Photos by Al Harith Al Mahrooqi

Alum sparks passion for engineering with his popular ‘Quint BUILDs’ YouTube channel

Can you harvest energy from your rain gutter? Can you recoup energy by mounting a wind turbine on the front of a Bronco? Can you build a knife-throwing machine?

These are the kinds of questions that inspire Quint Crispin, B.S. manufacturing engineering ’00, to create YouTube videos that illustrate the math behind engineering principles and document the process of iterating on an idea.

A rocket engine to save the world

Photos courtesy of A.J. Fillo

Triple alum A.J. Fillo adapts combustion technology to climate change solutions 

Take it from A.J. Fillo: If you want the adrenaline rush of a lifetime, try launching the first-ever 3D-printed rocket. 

“When we lifted off, I’ve never heard cheering like that in my life,” said Fillo, B.S. mechanical engineering ’14, M.S. ’16, Ph.D. ’19.