Zlatko Dimcovic

Portrait of Zlatko Dimcovic

Zlatko Dimcovic

Faculty Research Assistant
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Corvallis, OR
United States

Oregon State University Ph.D. (Physics-Quantum Computing) 2012
Case Western Reserve University M.S. (Theoretical Physics) 2001
Imperial College, London M.S. (Theoretical Physics) 1996
University of Belgrade B.S. (Physics) 1994

Zlatko Dimcovic’s work interest is in writing software to solve complex scientific problems, in particular those that are algorithmically and technically challenging. His efforts involve low-level code in compiled languages and higher level scripting tools in a variety of languages including C++, C, modern Fortran, Perl, Python, Matlab, and Mathematica. He has proficiency with handling large data sets, networking, system management and maintenance, parsing, conversion of data/file formats, and graphical interfaces.