Trevor Howard
Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr Oregon State University 116 Radiation Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
At Oregon State since 2020.
Trevor Kent Howard’s primary expertise is in fluid-structure interactions and computational multiphysics, with an emphasis on high performance research reactors. His research interests also include advanced nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics; novel instrumentation and data analysis techniques; verification, validation and uncertainty quantification for multiphysics; and artificial intelligence applications in design and analysis.
Prior to Oregon State, he was a Thermal Hydraulics Research and Development Associate in the Energy Systems Development group at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) working on a variety of projects involving molten salt reactors, aeroacoustic instrumentation, and thermal hydraulic analyses. He was a recipient of OSU’s College of Engineering Graduate Research Assistant Award in 2018, ORNL’s mission support team award in 2019, and is a former ARCS scholar.