Sam Logan
Women's Building 203D
160 SW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
See Sam Logan's full profile on College of Health full website.
Dr. Logan completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Delaware in the Department of Physical Therapy- Infant Motor Lab, where he served as the Project Manager for the Modified Ride-on Car Study. This project focuses on providing a means to independent mobility for children 1-3 years old.
Sam's research agenda focuses on the health and wellbeing of typically developing children and children with disabilities, with recent work emphasizing the role of independent mobility in the development of language, cognition, play interactions, and motor behaviors of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Down syndrome, and other significant physical and cognitive diagnoses. His research is interdisciplinary in nature, bridging the fields of Kinesiology, Psychology and Pediatric Rehabilitation.