Rachael Cate
2065 Kelley Engineering Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Rachael Cate received her M.A.in rhetoric and composition from Oregon State University in 2011 and her Ph.D. in higher education leadership and research from Oregon State University in 2016. She joined the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University as a member of the professional faculty in 2016. In this role, she provides engineering communication instruction to students as they progress through the senior capstone project and develop relationships with project stakeholders in industry. She also supports engineering communication program development, research, and implementation. Her Ph.D. research interests include social justice pedagogies; promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education; service learning; program design and leadership; and qualitative research. She is also collaborating on research in the areas of promoting leadership skills-related student success factors and effective tools for instructors of integrated engineering and communication courses.