Pam Van Londen
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Since 2004, Pam Van Londen has contributed to the missions of the Computer Science, Ecampus, and Women Studies programs at OSU through teaching, creative activity, and service. For more than a decade, Van Londen ran her own integrated marketing company, providing print and online marketing solutions to regional businesses, focusing mainly on front-end web development and search engine optimization. Her experiences working with Apple partners and technical writing/internationalization teams at HP and Microsoft helped her become a well-rounded and innovative course developer, textbook writer, and educator. She adds the “A” to STEM technical assignments by incorporating her visual art expertise, resulting in STEAM. She enjoys working with people from different cultures and with different learning abilities to ensure they succeed. Other areas of interest include designing instruction to improve inclusive teaching practices and meeting career competencies. Van Londen has served with the Van Londen has served with the EECS Effective and Inclusive Teaching Practices committee, EECS Student Success Committee, Ecampus Scholarship Committee, Honors College Task Force, CoE Web Advisory Board, and EECS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee.