Megumi Kawasaki
Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
306 Dearborn Hall Corvallis
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Megumi Kawasaki is an Associate Professor of Materials Science at Oregon State University. Previously, she was an Associate Professor at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, where she joined the faculty as an Assistant Professor in 2012. She also held an Adjunct Research Associate Professor in Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering at USC (2012-2017) and a Visiting Researcher position in Materials Science at the Osaka Metropolitan University (2013-present).
Dr. Kawasaki's research interests lie in the synthesis of bulk nanostructured metals and alloys through the application of severe plastic deformation (SPD) including high-pressure torsion (HPT) and in the nanostructuring design of engineering metals, metal-matrix nano-composites and bulk metastable alloys. Her work includes processing of metals and alloys using HPT and characterization of the (bulk and micro) mechanical properties at both ambient and high temperature ranges. She has developed the advanced characterizations of mechanical behavior including creep and superplasticity by macro-/nano-indentation and miniature tensile testing and the analyses of texture and phase transformation using the state-of-the-art quantum beam methods involving X-ray, neutron and synchrotron diffraction analyses. Her recent research explores a wide range of diffraction methods in multiple dimensions together with in-depth understanding of ultrafine-grained materials.
Selected publications
(For a list of publications and citations: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-1872-2010)
- J.-K. Han, K. Sugimoto, M. Kawasaki, K.-D. Liss, Strain-dependent phase transformation mapping of diffusion-bonded nanocrystalline aluminum-magnesium by high-energy synchrotron X-rays, Materials Letters 321 (2022) 132414.
- M. Kawasaki, J.-K. Han, X Liu, Y. Onuki, Y.O. Kuzminova, S.A. Evlashin, A.M. Pesin, A.P. Zhilyaev, K.-D. Liss, In situ heating neutron and X-ray diffraction analyses for revealing structural evolution during postprinting treatments of additive-manufactured 316L stainless steel, Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (2022) 2100968.
- W. Zhao, J.-K. Han, Y.O. Kuzminova, S.A. Evlashin, A.P. Zhilyaev, A.M. Pesin, J.-i. Jang, K.-D. Liss, M. Kawasaki, Significance of grain refinement on micro-mechanical properties and structures of additively-manufactured CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 807 (2021) 140898.
- J.-K. Han, K.-D. Liss, T.G. Langdon, J.-i. Jang, M. Kawasaki, Mechanical properties and structural stability of a bulk nanostructured metastable aluminum-magnesium system, Materials Science and Engineering A 796 (2020) 140050.
- J.-K. Han, K.-D. Liss, T.G. Langdon, M. Kawasaki, “Synthesis of a bulk nanostructured metastable Al alloy with extreme supersaturation of Mg” Scientific Reports (2019) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019- 53614-3