Izabela Gutowska

Izabela Gutowska

Assistant Professor
Nuclear Science and Engineering

Corvallis, OR
United States

Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, Oregon State University (2015)
M.S. Nuclear Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (2012)
B.S. Power Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (2011)

At Oregon State since 2016.

Izabela Gutowska’s expertise is in nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, with an emphasis on the application of computational fluid dynamics to optimize fluid flow and heat transfer in nuclear reactor systems and to perform safety analysis. Her research interests scope experimental and computational thermal-hydraulics aspects involving Generation IV (e.g., very high temperature, molten salt) and small modular reactors. Using experimental and simulation results, Gutowska detects critical areas and causes of thermal-hydraulic performance loss and develops applicable proposals for design improvements. She also performs computational fluid dynamics verification, validation, and uncertainty analyses.

Prior to Oregon State, Gutowska was an advanced computational fluid dynamics engineer at General Electric’s Engineering Design Center (2014-2016) and a research assistant at Warsaw University of Technology (2010-2013).