Heidar Rastiveis portrait.

Heidar Rastiveis

Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
Civil and Construction Engineering

Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

PhD: Civil Engineering – Photogrammetry, 2013
MSc: Civil Engineering – Photogrammetry, 2007
BSc: Civil Engineering – Geomatics, 2005

HEIDAR RASTIVEIS, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor (Senior Research) in the Geomatics group at Oregon State University's School of Civil and Construction Engineering. He holds a B.Sc. in Geomatics Engineering from the University of Isfahan, Iran, and both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering-Photogrammetry from the University of Tehran, Iran. His doctoral research focused on automatic generation of earthquake-induced damage maps from high-resolution satellite images.

Dr. Rastiveis previously served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran's School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering. His research includes pioneering work in photogrammetry and remote sensing, notably in change detection and 3D road modeling, leading to the development of automated algorithms for object extraction from images and point clouds.

Before joining OSU, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Purdue University, where his work centered on using UAV and backpack lidar for automated forest inventory. Dr. Rastiveis has extensive expertise in processing diverse data types including backpack/aerial/UAV lidar point clouds, and close-range/aerial/satellite images, among others.

In teaching, he offers undergraduate courses in Highway Location and Design, and Geospatial Information System (GIS), as well as graduate courses like Geospatial Machine Learning. Dr. Rastiveis continues to contribute to the field with numerous publications in prestigious journals and has extensive practical experience in industrial geomatics projects.

CE202-Geospatial Information and GIS
CE365-Highway Location and Design
CE560-Geospatial Machine Learning