Erdem Coleri
308 Owen Hall
Corvallis, OR
United States
Dr. Coleri’s teaching interests include civil and construction engineering materials, pavement engineering, pavement design and sustainability, pavement management systems, asphalt and bituminous materials, characterization of asphalt and concrete pavement materials.E rdem Coleri received his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Davis (2011) with specialization in pavement materials and structures. Dr. Coleri joined OSU in September 2014 after working as a postdoctoral scholar and a project scientist at the University of California Pavement Research Center for three years. He has also worked as a Technical Consultant for Sensys Networks, Inc., which is a leading provider of wireless traffic detection and integrated traffic data systems. His research interests are in the areas of sustainable pavement materials and structures, energy efficient pavement design strategies, and infrastructure health monitoring using wireless sensor networks. Dr. Coleri’s research is concentrated in the following areas: Characterization of asphalt and concrete pavements Recycled asphalt concrete mixtures at high replacement contents Sustainable strategies for pavement design and rehabilitation Network level pavement sustainability Modeling the effect of pavement roughness and stiffness on fuel consumption Multiscale finite element modeling of pavement materials and structures Wireless sensor networks (WSN) for infrastructure health monitoring Data mining, analysis and performance modeling from laboratory, accelerated pavement, and field tests.