Dong Lin
218 Dearborn Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Dr. Dong Lin is an Associate Professor at Oregon State University. His research mainly focuses on bio-inspired printing of functional structures. Using the 3DFP technique, he has successfully printed the first truly 3D graphene aerogels and this research received Guinness World Record: World’s lightest material (0.5 mg/cm 3 ) via 3D printing. His research outputs have been highlighted by ~136,000 websites: including Science Daily, Materials Today, and MSN. He has published 78 peer-reviewed journal articles and many of them are in top journals, including Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, Small, and Acta Materialia. He has received the NSF CAREER Award, Chao and Trigger Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from ASME, which recognizes a young manufacturing researcher under 40 with potential for significant fundamental contributions to the science and technology of manufacturing processes, and Outstanding Paper Award at the SME 49 th NAMRC. He was also selected to participate in 2021 NAE EU-U.S. Frontiers of Engineering symposium. He has received funding support from NSF, Army, NASA, USDA, and industry. He is also the associate editor of Journal of Manufacturing Processes.
Research Interests
Dr. Lin specializes in 3D printing of aerogels, metal additive manufacturing, 3D printing of carbon fiber composites, and metal matrix composites.
Selected Publications
- Halil Tetik*, Jafar Orangi*, Guang Yang, Keren Zhao, Shakir Bin Mujib, Gurpreet Singh, Majid Beidaghi†, Dong Lin†, “3D Printed MXene Aerogels with Truly 3D Macrostructure and Highly Engineered Microstructure for Enhanced Electrical and Electrochemical Performance”, Advanced Materials, 2022, 2104980.
- Halil Tetik*, Ying Wang*, Xiao Sun, Daxian Cao, Nasrullah Shah, Hongli Zhu†, Fang Qian†, Dong Lin†, “Additive Manufacturing of 3D Aerogels and Porous Scaffolds: A Review”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2103430.
- Halil Tetik, Dan Feng, Samuel W. Oxandale, Guang Yang, Keren Zhao, Katelyn Feist, Nasrullah Shah, Zayd C.Leseman, Dong Lin†, “Bioinspired Manufacturing of Aerogels with Precisely Manipulated Surface Microstructure through Controlled Local Temperature Gradients”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021,c13, 924-931.
- Xiang Zhang, Yixin Xu, Miaocao Wang, Enzuo Liu, Naiqin Zhao, Chunsheng Shi, Dong Lin, Fulong Zhu, Chunnian He, “A Powder-metallurgy-based Strategy toward Three-dimensional Graphene-like Network for Reinforcing Copper Matrix Composites”, Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 2775.
- Halil Tetik, Guang Yang, Wenda Tan, Anthony Fong, Shuting Lei, Johanna Nelson Weker†, Dong Lin†, “High Speed In-Situ X-Ray Imaging of 3D Freeze Printing of Aerogels”, Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 101513.
- Chenxiang Ma, Ruoxing Wang, Halil Tetik, Shengjie Gao, Min Wu, Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Lin†, Dong Ding†, Wenzhuo Wu†, “Hybrid Nanomanufacturing of Mixed-dimensional Manganese Oxide/Graphene Aerogel Macroporous Hierarchy for Ultralight Efficient Supercapacitor Electrodes in Self-powered Ubiquitous Nanosystems”, Nano Energy, 2019, 66, 104124.
- Changsheng Wu*, Halil Tetik*, Jia Cheng, Wenbo Ding, Hengyu Guo, Xingtian Tao, Nanjia Zhou, Yunlong Zi, Zhiyi Wu, Huixuan Wu, Dong Lin†, Zhong Lin Wang†, “Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing Driven by Triboelectric Nanogenerator”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1901102.
- Pedram Parandoush, Chi Zhou, Dong Lin†, “3D Printing of Ultrahigh Strength Continuous Carbon Fiber Composites”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 1800622.
- Dong Lin, Maithilee Motlag, Mojib Saei, Shengyu Jin, Raheleh Mohammad Rahimi, David Bahr, Gary J. Cheng,“Shock Engineering the Additive Manufactured Graphene-Metal Nanocomposite with High Density Nanotwins and Dislocations for Ultra-stable Mechanical Properties”, Acta Materialia, 2018, 150, 360-372.
- Qiangqiang Zhang†, Feng Zhang, Xiang Xu, Chi Zhou†, Dong Lin†, “3D Printing Polymer Hollow Template-Mediated Graphene Lattice with Tailorable Architectures and Multifunctional Properties”, ACS Nano, 2018, 12(2), 1096-1106.
- Pengli Yan, Emery Brown, Qing Su, Jun Li, Jian Wang, Changxue Xu, Chi Zhou, Dong Lin†, “3D Printing Hierarchical Silver Nanowire Aerogel with Highly Compressive Resilience and Tensile Elongation through Tunable Poisson's Ratio”, Small, 2017, 1701756.
- Selected as Back Cover.
Highlighted by Advanced Science: 3D Printing of Tunable Poisson Ratio Metallic Aerogels.
- Pedram Parandoush, Dong Lin†, “A Review on Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-Fiber Composites”,Composite Structures, 2017, 182, 36-53. The #1 Most Downloaded Article in Composite Structures from 2017 to 2021.
- Highlighted by Advanced Science: 3D Printing of Tunable Poisson Ratio Metallic Aerogels. Pedram Parandoush, Dong Lin†, “A Review on Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-Fiber Composites”,Composite Structures, 2017, 182, 36-53. The #1 Most Downloaded Article in Composite Structures from 2017 to 2021.
- Qiangqiang Zhang*, Dong Lin*, Biwei Deng*, Xiang Xu, Qiong Nian, Shengyu Jin, Kevin Leedy, Hui Li,Gary J. Cheng, “Flyweight, Superelastic, Electrically Conductive and Flaming Retardant 3D Multi-Nanolayer Graphene/Ceramic Metamaterial”, Advanced Materials, 2017, 1605506. Research highlighted in Nature Review Materials: Graphene makes ceramics multifunctional. Highlighted by Phys.org, Nanowerk, True Viral News, Long Room, Controlled Environments, etc.
- Qiangqiang Zhang*, Feng Zhang*, Sai Pradeep Medarametla, Hui Li, Chi Zhou†, Dong Lin†, “Three-Dimensional Printing of Graphene Aerogel”, Small, 2016, 12, No. 13, 1702–1708. Guinness World Records: The Least Dense 3D-printed Structure (0.5 mg cm -3 ). Highlighted by ~136,000 websites (via google search): including Science Daily, nanowerk, Materials Today, Chemistryviews, Chemistryworld, Quartz, etc. 2016: The 1 st hottest paper in Small. 2017: The 5 th hottest paper in Small.
- Qiangqiang Zhang, Xiang Xu, Dong Lin, Wenli Chen, Guoping Xiong, Yikang Yu, Timothy S. Fisher, Hui Li, “Hyperbolically Patterned 3D Graphene Metamaterial with Negative Poisson’s Ratio and Superelasticity”, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 2229–2237.
- Dong Lin, Shengyu Jin, Feng Zhang, Chao Wang, Yiqian Wang, Chi Zhou, Gary J Cheng, “3D Stereolithography Printing of Graphene Oxide Reinforced Complex Architectures”, Nanotechnology, 2015, 26(43):434003.
- Dong Lin, Qiong Nian, Biwei Deng, Shengyu Jin, Yaowu Hu, Wenqi Wang, Gary J. Cheng, “Three Dimensional Printing of Complex Structures: Man Made or toward Nature?”, ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (10),9710-9715.
- Dong Lin, C. Richard Liu, Gary J. Cheng, “Single Layer Graphene Oxide Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites by Laser Sintering: Microstructure and Mechanical Property Enhancement”, Acta Materialia, 2014, 80, 183-193.