Picture of Brian Paul

Brian Paul

Emeritus Professor
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Mechanical,Indust. & Manu. Eng 219 Dearborn Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

2019 Celebrate Excellence Awards, Research Award
2018 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Manufacturing Engineering Division Dedicated Service Award
2018 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow Award
2017 RAPID Manufacturing Institute Modular Manufacturing Technology Focus Area Lead
2017 ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division Service Award
2012 OSU Industry Partnering Award
2011 SME Innovations That Could Change the Way You Manufacture watch list : Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial Deposition
2011 SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference
2011 JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processes.
2011 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference - Invited Co Chair
2008 ASME MSEC Invited Chair, Nano/Meso/Micro Manufacturing Tech. Comm
2007 North American Manufacturing Research Conference Runner-up, Best Student Paper
2007 ASME MSEC Invited Chair, Nano/Meso/Micro Manufacturing Tech. Comm
2006 IERC Invited Session Chair, Nano/Micro Manufacturing Systems
2004 Indo-US Forum on Advanced Manufacturing, Kanpur, India
2003 SME J Mfg Processes, organized special issue for J Mfg Processes on Multi-scale Fabrication Invited Guest Editor
2003 OSU College of Engineering Research Collaboration Award
2003 ASPE National Conference - Invited plenary speaker
2002 Multi-scale Fabrication at ASME IMECE Invited Session Coordinator
2001 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator
2000 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator
2000 OSU College of Engineering Engelbrecht Young Faculty Award
2000 Hamed K. Eldin National Engineering Design and Automation Young Faculty Award, Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads.
1999 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator
1999 National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Workshop, one of 35 invited academicians
1998 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator
1995 Society of Automotive Engineers Doctoral Fellowship
1994 Society of Automotive Engineers Doctoral Fellowship
1993 Society of Automotive Engineers Doctoral Fellowship
1993 Benjamin Niebel Manufacturing Fellowship
1992 Society of Automotive Engineers Doctoral Fellowship
1992 Benjamin Niebel Manufacturing Fellowship
1988 Honeywell Industrial Fellow in Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
1987 Honeywell Industrial Fellow in Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
1986 Honeywell Industrial Fellow in Computer-Integrated Manufacturing