Anita Hughes
1111 Kelley Engineering Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Anita worked as the graduate program coordinator for the School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering for two and a half years before becoming the MENG coordinator/instructor for the College of Engineering. In this new role, she teaches the Portfolio Preparation and Portfolio Completion courses that all MEng students take in place of a final oral exam. She works with the graduate program coordinators to help with administrative advising for the MEng students.
Prior to returning to Oregon State, she managed the MBA program for University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) on site and online, developing courses and teaching in the program as well. She has served as associate registrar for UAF and as registrar for Clatsop Community College, experience she says helps with advising tremendously. She earned an M.S. in Economics from Oregon State and later an MBA from Willamette University. She spent six years at HP after her MBA managing a global ink usage customer research team before returning to Willamette to serve as associate director of admissions.