Profile picture of Alex Chemey.

Alexander Chemey

Assistant Professor
Nuclear Science and Engineering

Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
A106 Radiation Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Ph.D. Chemistry, Florida State University (2019)
M.S. Chemistry, Florida State University (2018)
B.S. Chemistry, Michigan State University (2015)
B.A. Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, Michigan State University (2015)

At Oregon State since 2019, he/him/his pronouns.

Alexander “Sasha” Chemey has a wide range of interests in nuclear science and technologies. The “Alchemey Lab” focuses on the interface of nuclear chemistry, physics, and engineering, addressing generational challenges in power production, radioactive waste storage, and production of valuable isotopes. His work makes use of the Oregon State TRIGA Reactor (OSTR) to probe fundamental nuclear phenomena.

Prior to joining the NSE Faculty, Sasha joined Walt Loveland’s research group at Oregon State as a postdoctoral scholar in nuclear chemistry in 2019.