Our guest will be discussing robotics, and the new Collaborative Innovation Complex. Our industry guests will take your questions following the talk during the live "ask-me-anything" session.
This session is hosted by the Mars Rover speaker team. All students are welcome.
Zoom: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/94763422264?pwd=VkljMmVuS01qTGhmbVhhSis1R…
Engineering is Everywhere and Webinar Wednesdays (which happen on other days of the week) are a series to talks to help students jump start their career in high tech. Everyone is welcome.
While technical failures happen, we try to record the webinars. If you are concerned about appearing on screen - consider waiting for the recording to post at: http://bit.ly/EECSWebWed.
Handshake: https://oregonstate.joinhandshake.com/events/1411880/share_preview