cory simon
Event Speaker
Cory Simon
Event Speaker Description
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Oregon State University
Event Type
Artificial Intelligence
Event Location
BEXL 320 and Zoom
Event Description

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Teams of mobile [aerial, ground, or aquatic] robots have applications in delivering resources, patrolling, information-gathering, pesticide application to crops, forest fire fighting, chemical plume source localization and mapping, and search-and-rescue. Some environments contain hazards e.g.,\ rough terrain or seas, strong winds, or adversaries capable of attacking robots. Then, the robots must coordinate their trails in the hazardous environment to (i) cooperatively achieve the team-level objective with robustness to robot failures and (ii) strike some balance between expected robot failures versus utility gained.

Herein, we pose the bi-objective, risky team orienteering problem, where (i) a team of robots are mobile within an environment, abstracted as a graph (nodes: locations, edges: spatial connections between locations); (ii) each node offers a reward to the team depending on the number of robots that visit it; (iii) the traversal of each edge in the graph imposes a risk of robot failure/destruction; and (iv) the two [often, conflicting] team objectives are to maximize the expected (a) team reward and (b) number of robots that survive the mission. We then use ant colony optimization to search for the Pareto-optimal set of robot team trail plans. A human decision-maker can then select the robot trail plans that balance, according to their values, the two [conflicting] objectives.

Speaker Biography

Cory Simon learned the ropes of scientific research at the University of Akron, Virginia Tech, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, University of British Columbia, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences. Simon interned in industry at Bridgestone Research (chemical engineering) and Stitch Fix (data science). He was a summer faculty research fellow at the Naval Information Warfare Center.