Fast Enterprises logo
Event Type
Webinar Wednesday
Event Location
KEC 1005 and Zoom
Event Description

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Gain insight from recruiters on effectively using AI in the job application process!

Fast Enterprises is a provider of essential software and services for citizens and government. In 1998, we changed the way government revenue agencies support their business with the introduction of GenTax®. We have expanded beyond Tax and now also perform implementations for Motor Vehicle, Driver License, Unemployment Insurance, and Child Support Engagement agencies.

Your FAST internship will have a meaningful and lasting social impact. FAST offers a collaborative in-office problem-solving environment.

This event is co-hosted by OSU's ACM chapter - and open to all students.

Webinar Wednesdays (which happen on other days of the week) are a series of talks to help students jump start their career in high tech. All students are welcome.

While technical failures happen, we try to record the webinars. If you are concerned about appearing on screen - consider waiting for the recording to post on the Webinar Wednesday page.