A Report on Shape Deformation with a Stretching and Bending Energy

Event Speaker
Alan Hui Zhao
Visiting Scholar, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Event Type
Event Location
COVL 216
Event Description

In this report we describe a mesh editing system that we implemented that uses a natural stretching and bending energy defined over smooth surfaces. As such, this energy behaves uniformly under various mesh resolutions. All of the elements of our approach already exist in the literature. We hope that our discussions of these energies helps to shed light on the behaviors of these methods and provides a unified discussion of these methods.

Speaker Biography

Dr. Zhao is a visiting scholar in the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University from 2015.01- 2016.3.31. He was an Assistant Professor in Software School of Beijing University of Technology 2010.01-20.14.12. His research area is computer graphics with a focus on Mesh Processing. Dr. Zhao prefers designing computer graphics algorithms powered by math. Especially, he uses differential geometry to solve the mesh processing problem. Dr. Zhao leads a team and developed the MeshDGP: a Mesh Processing framework for students, developer and researchers with C#. It is well refactored, module based, including many key stone mesh processing algorithms.