Award Year
Graduation Year
Civil and Construction Engineering

Bob Adams joined the young Corvallis firm that became CH2M Hill in 1949 after receiving his MS in Structural Engineering from Yale University. After 39 years of service to the company, he retired in 1988 as Vice President and Director of Civil Engineering. He has held offices in Oregon and been honored by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Structural Engineers of Oregon, and the American Public Works Association. Very active within the community and within the State, Bob has served on the State Judicial Fitness Commission, helped found and chaired the Benton County Planning Commission, and is a member of the Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees. A life-long friend of higher education, Mr. Adams also served on the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. Both he and his wife Mary (OSU 1949) are former members of the OSU Alumni Association Board and remain active in their support of OSU and the Alumni Center.


  • B.S. Civil Engineering, 1948