Award Year
Graduation Year
Biological and Ecological Engineering

Senior Manager, Engineering Bend Research, Bend, Oregon

As a senior in high school, John Baumann took advantage of the opportunity to participate in the Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering program through Saturday Academy. It was a presentation by Joe McGuire from Oregon State’s College of Engineering that attracted him to bioengineering. As a bioengineering major in what was a relatively small but up-and-coming program, Baumann had ready access to his professors, including McGuire.

During the summer before his senior year at Oregon State, Baumann completed a summer internship at Bend Research. He stayed in touch with key contacts there, and within a year the company offered him a position as an entry-level engineer. Over a 10-year period, he became an expert in spray drying technologies.“Our company is world renowned as a leader in the pharmaceutical industry for spray drying,” he said. Baumann has had a lot to do with garnering that reputation for the company, including contributing to three patents and several industry publications. He also helped the company to broaden its client base. Baumann continues to be impressed with how his education prepared him for his career. “I left with a broader education than I anticipated,” he said. Specifically, Oregon State prepared him to become a strong leader and communicator. He has been back on campus to recruit graduates, and this summer will come full circle when he participates as a mentor for Saturday Academy.


  • B.S. Bioengineering, 2002