John Anttonen began his career as an officer in the U.S. Air Force after graduation. He received his MS in Astronautical Engineering in 1993 and his PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2001. Throughout his career, he has held several management and technical positions including lead engineer, branch chief, and lead of the aerodynamics branch research team at Eglin AFB where he developed a revolutionary program in Micro Uninhabited Air Vehicles (UAVs). In 1995 and 1996, he served as an expert consultant on ballistic missiles to the United Nations Special Commission for Iraq, conducting inspections of Iraqi missile development and production facilities and determining compliance with UN directives. John is currently serving as a Deputy Program manager for the DARPA FALCON. He was recently selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1989