Vehicle wiring.

New faculty joining MIME

Joseph Agor, assistant professor of industrial engineering.

Agor’s main research interest is in data driven optimization with applications in health care. More specifically, he is interested in using linear, integer, and multilevel optimization techniques to develop data driven decision support tools for decision makers in health care both at a system and patient level. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research at North Carolina State University. Prior to joining Oregon State, he was research assistant for Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering where he worked on a National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Health funded project investigating patient progression in those susceptible to sepsis.

Bradley Camburn, assistant professor of mechanical engineering

Camburn’s work in design explores conceptual ideation, prototyping, and testing to support the embodiment of complex systems at low cost. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas in 2015 and his Bachelor’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 2008, both are in Mechanical Engineering. He then joined former Citibank executive Adam Gilmour as chief engineer, then later head of research and development at Gilmour Space Technologies. He led the research and development team at Gilmour to produce the world’s largest hydrogen peroxide oxidised hybrid rocket engine at 70 kilonewtons of thrust. This engine is believed to have set a record for shortest orbital class engine development program duration and lowest cost threshold. Camburn completed the engine qualification at Gilmour through Series B venture Capital funding, to receive in total $13.7 million. Before joining MIME at Oregon State, he also worked as a Research Scientist at the Singapore University of Technology of Design and Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Design Centre

Andy Dong, professor of mechanical engineering (joining December 2019)

Dong researches the characteristics and attributes of the structures of designs and design processes and their causal relationship to design-led innovation. His background in artificial intelligence in design has also led him to collaborative work across a wide range of topics in behavioral economics, cognition, and computational fabrication. Previously, he was the Professor and Chair of the Graduate Design Strategy Program at California College of the Arts and an adjunct professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley where he also received his Ph.D.

Aug. 27, 2019

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Andy Dong

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