Scope and Objectives

Graduate study in Civil and Construction Engineering Education at Oregon State University integrates fundamentals of civil and construction engineering with the learning sciences. Students gain exposure to the latest in how people learn in academic and professional settings. The M.S. and M.Eng. programs prepare students for careers in civil and construction engineering design, training, mentoring programs, consulting, development, regulation, or construction. Additionally, the M.S. program provides the background for students more interested in teaching, research, or specialization to pursue the Ph.D. degree. 

Program of Study

The program of study for the M.S. and M.Eng. degrees consists of a minimum of 45 credit hours. For the M.S. degree, a student with major professor approval may elect a thesis or non-thesis (technical report) option; a maximum of 12 credit hours is allowed for the thesis and 6 for a non-thesis option. Students who are supported with a Graduate Teaching or Research Assistantship (GTA or GRA) position must produce a research thesis. 

Alternatively, the M.Eng. degree requires coursework only; students pursuing the M.Eng. degree are generally not supported with GTA or GRA positions. 

For the Ph.D. degree, students are required to take 108 credit hours. Up to 45 credit hours from a previous M.S. degree may be counted. A maximum of 36 credit hours are allowed for thesis research.  

Interdisciplinary studies are required for civil and construction engineering education students. Civil and Construction Engineering Education graduate students will take courses in CCE and from the OSU colleges offering educational research and practice courses, including the College of Education and the Sociology Department. Civil and Construction Engineering Education graduate students have interests across the spectrum of CCE focus areas and will accordingly have CCE coursework that suits their career interests. 

Core Curriculum

At least two thirds of civil and construction engineering education graduate student’s coursework will consist of civil and construction engineering courses (on a credit basis), with remaining courses selected from those listed below. All Ph.D. students must take SED 580 and SED 622 and at least two of the electives listed below. M.S. and M.Eng. students must take at least one of the electives listed below or SED 580 or SED 622 (number of credit hours are shown in parentheses).

  • SED (Science and Mathematics Education) - 580 research and evaluation (3)
  • SED 622 - Qualitative Research Techniques (3)


Course Credit Hours
SED 621 – Survey of Research on Learning  (3)
SED 623 – Curriculum Theory  (3)
SED 611 – Survey of Research on Teaching  (3)
SED 612 – Quantitative Research Design and Critical Analysis  (3)
SED 613 – Learning Theory  (3)
ChE 599 – Engineering Education Foundations  (3)
CCE 599 – Engineering Learning  (3)
CCE 599 – Engineering Teaching Practicum  (3)
AHE 533 – Needs Assessment and Research  (4)
AHE 534 – Organizations and Systems Theory  (4)
AHE 553 – Adult Learning Theory and Development  (3)
GRAD 542 – The Inclusive Classroom: Difference, Power & Discrimination  (3)
TCE 662 – Counselor Education Quantitative Research Methods I (3)
TCE 663 – Counselor Education Quantitative Research Methods II  (3)
TCE 664 – Counselor Education Quantitative Research Methods III  (3)
SOC 515 – Understanding and Social Research  (4)
SOC 516 – Conducting Social Research  (4)
SOC 518 – Qualitative Sociology  (4)
SOC 519 – Applied Research Methods  (4)




Additional courses may be selected at the discretion of the major professor.

Engineering Education Faculty