K-12 Outreach Activities:

  • OSU Precollege Programs - view/download the Precollege Programs Broader Impacts Opportunities for the K-20 Community brochure.

  • Summer Experience in Science and Engineering for Youth (SESEY) - A one week residential summer camp for high school girls and ethnic minorities. Founded in 1996 through a grant from the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Program in the Chemical Sciences and coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort (CBEE).

  • Engineering Camp (E-Camp) - A one week, non-residential summer engineering middle school camp. Founded in 2003 through funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort (CBEE) and Nancy Wortman (Director, Saturday Academy).

  • Spirited Kids in Engineering and Science (SKIES) – An 11 week K-5 summer science and engineering program on the OSU campus run as a collaboration of OSU KidSpirit and CBEE. Founded in 2003 through a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort (CBEE.) and Karen Swanger (Director, KidSpirit).

  • Saturday Academy - Saturday Academy is a non-profit, extracurricular, precollege education program hosted by Oregon State University. The program, chartered at OSU since 1986, enlists community professionals to share their facilities, equipment, and expertise through hands-on classes, workshops, and mentorships to extend and augment the science curriculum of the school systems. Saturday Academy places special emphasis on the sciences, math and technology. Scholarship assistance is available.

  • Adventures in Learning (AIL) – an engineering project course conducted in a two-week summer camp for Talented and Gifted (TAG) middle school students coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort and the OSU TAG Program (Director, Judy Michael).

  • Dr. Skip's Corner: K-12 Teaching Adventures @ OSU Engineering