K-12 Outreach Activities:
OSU Precollege Programs - view/download the Precollege Programs Broader Impacts Opportunities for the K-20 Community brochure.
Summer Experience in Science and Engineering for Youth (SESEY) - A one week residential summer camp for high school girls and ethnic minorities. Founded in 1996 through a grant from the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Program in the Chemical Sciences and coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort (CBEE).
Engineering Camp (E-Camp) - A one week, non-residential summer engineering middle school camp. Founded in 2003 through funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort (CBEE) and Nancy Wortman (Director, Saturday Academy).
Spirited Kids in Engineering and Science (SKIES) – An 11 week K-5 summer science and engineering program on the OSU campus run as a collaboration of OSU KidSpirit and CBEE. Founded in 2003 through a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort (CBEE.) and Karen Swanger (Director, KidSpirit).
Saturday Academy - Saturday Academy is a non-profit, extracurricular, precollege education program hosted by Oregon State University. The program, chartered at OSU since 1986, enlists community professionals to share their facilities, equipment, and expertise through hands-on classes, workshops, and mentorships to extend and augment the science curriculum of the school systems. Saturday Academy places special emphasis on the sciences, math and technology. Scholarship assistance is available.
Adventures in Learning (AIL) – an engineering project course conducted in a two-week summer camp for Talented and Gifted (TAG) middle school students coordinated by Dr. Skip Rochefort and the OSU TAG Program (Director, Judy Michael).
Dr. Skip's Corner: K-12 Teaching Adventures @ OSU Engineering