CBEE Faculty and Staff Handbook

Email To ensure your preferred e-mail address is included on OSU's Inform e-mail lists:
  • Go to the OSU Online Services login page
  • Login with your ONID Username and Password (or your OSU ID number and GAP)
  • Click on 'Personal Information'
  • Click on 'View E-mail Address(es)'
  • If you do not have a Preferred email address set, or you want to change your Preferred email address, click on 'Update E-mail Address(es)' and follow on-screen instructions


Several options exist for purchasing supplies for OSU. Please contact the School Accountant to help you get started.


An on-line e-procurement system for OSU. Faculty and students with a graduate student appointment will be assigned a “Shopper” role to place orders.

Shoppers: By default, all OSU employees (with a few exceptions) will have access to shop in the BennyBuy marketplace for supplies and services. After creating a “shopping cart” with their selected goods and/or services, a Shopper assigns their cart to their department or Business Center “Requestor” (Lea Clayton) to place the order into workflow.

Instructions and login are here: https://pacs.oregonstate.edu/eProcurement

Purchasing Card (PCard)

The PCard is a quick and convenient way for units to obtain many of the items needed for day-to-day operations. Faculty & students with a graduate appointment are elibigle to get an OSU PCard issued in their name.  Contact the School Accountant (Lea Clayton, Johnson 216L) to get instructions for requesting one.

The school accountant can also make purchases.

PCards may be used only to purchase goods and some services for the institution. Such purchases must comply with OSU policies governing purchasing and credit card usage. A $4,999 dollar limit per transaction exists.

Please see full PCard purchasing guidelines: 

OSU Internal Service/Supplies

Below are OSU departments who provide supplies or services to other OSU departments and bill the receiving department.

Personal Reimbursements

Personal reimbursements are processed through the Concur Travel and expense site.

Login Link:  https://login.oregonstate.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Unsolicited/SSO?providerId=https://us.api.concursolutions.com/saml2

Concur Training Library

Use of a Departmental Procurement Card or Direct-Bill to OSU are the preferred methods for OSU business related purchases. If logistical reasons or extenuating circumstances occur that preclude the use of normal OSU purchasing processes or protocols, employees may (with approval from their manager) make small purchases (less than $100) with personal funds and then subsequently be reimbursed by OSU.

  • Only purchases related to OSU business purposes will be reimbursed.
  • Get itemized receipts and proof of payment; a personal credit card charge slip alone is NOT valid.
  • All reimbursements must be submitted for payment within 60 days of incurring the cost or within 60 days after the conclusion of the travel/field-work during which the expenditure was made.


  • NOT for purchase of gift certificates
  • NOT for test incentive payments
  • NOT for incentive payments to Institutional Review Board (IRB) human subjects
  • NOT for equipment rental

Purchases that have been made with personal funds will be reimbursed by OSU when the following documentation is provided:

  • Documentation showing purchase and payment by the employee.
  • Statement of University business purpose, including intended use.


Link to Travel Policies: https://fa.oregonstate.edu/travel-and-expense

Travel requires pre-approval through the Concur Travel & Expense site.
Login Link:  https://login.oregonstate.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Unsolicited/SSO?providerId=https://us.api.concursolutions.com/saml2

Concur Training Library

Conference Registration:
Conference registration can be prepaid using the departmental procurement card. See your School Accountant for instructions.

Foreign Travel

International travel on grant funding
This travel should be authorized through OSRAA (Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration). Submit a Foreign Travel Authorization form to your School Accountant, (Lea Clayton, Johnson 216L) prior to making travel plans.

Foreign Travel Authorization Form

Restrictions apply to airfare, check with department accountant, and see Fly America Act.

Air Travel

Airfare for university-related travel needs to be booked through the contracted travel agency for direct billing to the university.

Mileage in Lieu of Airfare

See your School Accountant (Lea Clayton, Johnson 216L) to verify whether specific trips are allowable using mileage in lieu of airfare. A quote for the airfare that would be purchased for the business trip is required. OSU will reimburse mileage up to the amount of the airfare and associated expenses that would have been paid for air travel.

Ground Transportation

Vehicle Rental:
Cars can be rented through the University Motor Pool or through the Concur system.  Rental should be for economy or compact rate whenever possible.

Personal Vehicle:
Private vehicle mileage is reimbursed at the current published Business Affairs rate.


Itemized receipts are required for lodging.


Office Furnishings

Common Use Facilities

Contact Jennifer Goldman if you have questions or need more information.

Laboratory Access

  • All users to CBEE lab spaces are subject to the CBEE Access Policy.  No access will be granted until the proper training is complete. 
  • Access requests must be initiated by a PI, who will need to complete this survey for individuals coming into their group and/or need access to shared facilities: CBEE Facilities Access Request.
    • User name, ID#, and status (ie UG, grad student, postdoc, external user, volunteer)
    • Brief description of project (1-2 sentences)
    • Projected project start / end dates
    • For Undergrads and Volunteers, identify who will provide oversight while the individual is in the lab
    • Building and list of doors requiring access
  • PI's are responsible for communicating research space safety protocols.  
  • Users will be required to provide a copy of their OSU ID card and safety training certification(s) appropriate to the spaces they'll have access to.


Event Preparation

Building Access

For questions about card or building access contact Jennifer Moore.

Parking Permits

Recycling/Garbage Issues

Shipping and Receiving (daily)

  • Express Delivery (FedEx, UPS): Jennifer Goldman
  • Questions about small packages being sent or received, Jennifer Goldman
  • Packages under 150 lbs:
    • your name
      Oregon State University
      105 SW 26th Street
      116 Johnson Hall
      Corvallis OR 97331
  • Packages 150 lbs or more:
    • Contact Fred Veitenheimer to let him know what is coming and anticipated delivery date
    • your name
      School of CBEE
      Oregon State University
      601 SW 17th St
      Corvallis OR 97333

Mail, U.S. and Express

  • Campus/U.S Mail is picked up and delivered at CBEE Admin, 116 Johnson Hall
  • Outgoing U.S. Mail may be left at CBEE Admin for pick-up (separate outgoing mail into stamped personal mail, work mail to be stamped, and Express Mail with completed labels and Campus Mail forms including Index to charge)

Shipping Overseas; Cruise or Expedition Shipping

Safety Issues

Grad Student Desk Request Form

  • Contact: Jennifer Moore, Office Manager



Course Support

Course Assistance

  • Course Proposal Worksheet
    • Undergraduate - Submit to undergraduate curriculum committee chair.
    • Graduate - Submit to appropriate program graduate curriculum committee chair.
  • CBEE Curriculum New/Revised Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Policy (eff. F19)

Assessment and Accreditation

  • CBEE Assessment and Accreditation Handbook
  • Course Summaries, Required for all undergraduate mapped courses and graduate core courses - Online Instructions
    • Online Submission Portal

Peer Review

  • Contact Peer Evaluation of Teaching Committee Chair Cory Simon

Prior to inviting a visitor, CBEE faculty must have approval. Please submit the following to Jennifer Moore, Office Manager:

  1. Submit Courtesy Faculty Request form
  2. Letter of justification
  3. A copy of the candidate’s current resume or vita.

Upon Head approval, CBEE Admin will:

  1. Route all paperwork to appropriate personnel as necessary (Facilities, Research Computing, HR)
  2. Ask the candidate to sign appointment letter.
  3. Ask the candidate to complete the Personal Demographic Information-Courtesy/Affiliate Faculty Status form

A J-1 visa will be required if visitor is international and will be here for an extended period of time. See J-1 Exchange Visitor Program

Short term international visitors may require a B-1 visa. See B-1 Business Visa

Visa questions can be directed to Jennifer Moore, Office Manager.

Visitors may also need to be appointed as Courtesy or Affiliate to have access to campus services.

Courtesy faculty: Courtesy faculty status is typically used for collaborations that are expected to be for a period greater than one year. However, a visitor may be named a courtesy faculty member for a period of less than one year to ensure the access to the following privileges.
PrivilegesONID; University ID card and associated privileges, such as joining recreational facilities, purchasing parking permits and using library services; inter-library loans; PI on grants, Graduate Faculty Status (separate nomination required)

OSU Courtesy Faculty and Affiliate Faculty Policy

Human Resources


Recruitment requests should be submitted using the appropriate form below based on the appointment type.

Questions can be directed to: Jennifer Moore, Office Manager.

Recruitment Request Forms


Exiting Faculty

Contact Jennifer Moore, Office Manager

Peer Review of Teaching - Annual and Periodic Evaluations

Promotion and Tenure Resources

OSU HR Links