Master of Science in Civil Engineering Program Options
As a Master of Science in Civil Engineering student at Oregon State, you will pursue one of the following program options:
- Thesis and Non-Thesis Options: The Master’s thesis is optional in some programs within CCE, subject to the approval of the student’s major professor. In lieu of a thesis, a non-thesis, technical report must be prepared. The Master’s thesis option will normally involve 6 to 12 credits of CE 503 (Thesis). The non-thesis option will normally involve 3 to 6 credits of CE 506 (Project), culminating in a technical report.
- Thesis Requirements: A thesis will generally involve more substantial research than a technical report, and should be suitable for publication in a national academic journal. The research must be unique and on a contemporary topic. Students should consult with their major professor regarding the quality and content of thesis research.
- Non-Thesis, Technical Report (Project) Requirements: Students who do not pursue the thesis option are required to prepare a technical report on an engineering problem or project of a substantial nature. The scope of the project should be consistent with the credit hours awarded for the project (maximum of 6 credit hours). The general requirement for the report is that it treats some significant engineering problem or project in sufficient depth to contribute to engineering knowledge. The engineering report should be conducted and prepared in a manner that is suitable for publication in a national journal. In general, the report shall follow the guidelines for authors of publications in American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) division journals. The title page and signature page shall be similar in format to those used for the MS thesis (omitting the signature block for the Graduate Dean). Other styles may be approved by the student’s graduate committee.
Major professor selection and graduate committee formation | Must be formed prior to program meeting. | |
Coursework and credit requirements | Most coursework should be completed preliminary examination. | |
Ethical research training | Can be completed any time, but must be completed before program of study approval. | |
Program of study development | Must be filed with Graduate School prior to completing 18 credits. | Degree checklist |
Thesis or project completion | Must be completed prior to final oral examination. | OSU Grad School Thesis Guide; OSU ScholarsArchive; ScholarsArchive instructions; Instructions and considerations for data sets |
Occurs during the student's final term at OSU and must be formally scheduled at least two weeks prior to the event using the Graduat School's Exam Scheduling Form. | OSU Grad School exam scheduling form |
Learning objectives/outcomes objective matrix | Complete at the final oral examination. |