The software engineering track is a software engineering study area that enables students to obtain a master of science in computer science by completing an innovative software development project. See the Software Innovation Lab page for more information about the track.


For cost of attendance for on-campus students, see here.

For cost of attendance for Ecampus students, see here.

Funding: Because graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) with strong software-engineering skills are in high demand in the School of EECS, it is quite common for students to receive GTA positions. GTA positions cover:

  1. 100% tuition, up to 16 credits per quarter
  2. 90% of student fees
  3. 90% of health insurance premium
  4. offers a competitive monthly stipend

Applying for funding: Students may apply here.

Attending part time: If you are currently employed full time and planning to attend our program part time, then your employer might pay for your tuition as you enroll in the program part time. Ask your employer.

Admissions Process

Interested applicants should apply to the computer science program using the same admission form as other master's applicants. Within the section of the application titled "Program Specific Questions," follow these instructions:

  • For "Top choice for research interest area," select "Software Engineering Track”