Computer science student named Inno Under 25 entrepreneur

Harry Herzberg, an undergraduate computer science student at Oregon State University, was recently recognized as an Inno Under 25 entrepreneur by Portland Inno.

Herzberg is a co-founder of Transcribbit (formerly known as Alerty), a mobile app to help students, particularly those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, perform better in class by transcribing lectures in real time. The inspiration behind the app came from Herzberg’s personal experience of struggling to maintain focus during lectures due to his ADHD.

Student envisions AI for safer skies, takes home prize

Air travel can be made safer with artificial intelligence guarding against human error. That’s the vision of Andrew Dassonville, an engineering senior at Oregon State University, who recently took second place in a national airport design competition.  

Human error is the leading cause of commercial airline crashes and general aviation accidents, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. Dassonville, who studies computer science and robotics, zeroed in on radio communications as one source of human error where AI can provide a critical safety check.

Becoming a student of leadership

During the summer of 2020, Anjali Vasisht worked as a software engineering intern at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Along with a team of software engineers, a product manager and a technical program manager, she worked on a feature for the OCI console. While Vasisht enjoyed the process of addressing customer and user concerns to develop the feature, she was equally focused on how managers and engineers interacted and collaborated.