Submission Timeline

To make sure every request gets the full attention it deserves, please follow our deadline policies whenever possible (click here for our grant submission timeline):

Three weeks or more from sponsor deadline is optimal notice, especially for complex projects.

Nine business days before sponsor deadline is the minimum requested notice for full support from Engineering Research Administration. Requests made eight or fewer business days before sponsor deadline may not receive the full level of support due to staff commitments on other proposals.

One full week before sponsor deadline, we strongly encourage PIs to route proposals through Cayuse SP to allow time for departmental approvals and any corrections that may arise in the review process.

Three business days before sponsor deadline is the amount of time it takes OSRAA to review a proposal.  This is the time to have all supporting documents in place or sent to your Proposal Manager for review, and focus on polishing the technical narrative.

Last-minute requests for service are difficult and highly prone to errors. If you have an unexpected funding opportunity, please contact us right away to discuss how we can help.


1) Collaborative proposals and subawards involve many moving pieces. Please get us involved early so we can help!

2) If OSU will be a subaward rather than the lead, you must adhere to the lead organization's deadline. For example, if the proposal is due to the funding agency on September 15 and the lead organization needs it by September 1, then you should contact our team by August 15 at the latest.

3) Offices are closed on University holidays. Please keep this in mind when requesting assistance.