Academic Progression Model

Effective Summer 2019, the College of Engineering has moved to an Academic Progression Model, requiring students to maintain a 2.5 OSU GPA and earn 65% of the credits they attempt at OSU. College-specific progression standards apply to all students in the College of Engineering. These standards relate to staying in good academic standing within your major and are different from staying in good standing with OSU.

Purpose of Academic Progression Model

Being placed on warning, probation, or suspension can be stressful and confusing. The intent of this model is not to punish students. Rather, the intent is to intervene when students are not making sufficient progress towards their degree and connect students to resources across campus. We are committed to helping students complete degrees at OSU and encourage students to use their time, money, and resources efficiently.

GPA does not always tell the whole story. We have seen situations where students repeat the same course as many as 11 times. These attempts represent years of time and thousands of student dollars, with no progress to show. These standards of academic progress were designed to identify both a satisfactory GPA and actual progress through the major.

For more information, please see the descriptions of the academic standing categories below. If you have questions about progression standards, please see our frequently asked questions or contact your advisor.

Good Academic Standing

Students are in good academic standing when they have a term and cumulative OSU GPA of 2.5 or higher and an OSU completion rate at 65% or higher.


Keep up the good work!

COE Academic Warning

Students are placed on academic warning when their OSU term GPA is lower than 2.5 or their term completion rate is below 65%, but their OSU cumulative GPA is 2.5 or greater and OSU cumulative completion rate is 65% or greater. Students are also placed on COE warning if they have not attempted at least 24 credits at OSU and do not meet one or more of the term or cumulative standards.


Students on COE Warning will receive an email with instructions to connect with their academic advisor on future success strategies.

To be removed from academic warning, you must achieve a term OSU GPA above 2.5 and a term OSU completion rate at 65% or higher.

COE Academic Probation

Students who have attempted 24 or more credits at OSU are placed on COE academic probation when their OSU term GPA is lower than 2.5 or their OSU term completion rate is below 65% and either their cumulative GPA is below 2.5 or cumulative completion rate is below 65%.


Students on COE Probation will meet with an academic program advisor. The student and academic program advisor will prepare an academic success agreement.

To be returned to good standing, students must achieve an OSU cumulative completion rate of 65% or higher and OSU cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. To avoid suspension, achieve an OSU term GPA above 2.5 and an OSU term completion percentage above 65%.

COE Academic Suspension

Students who are on COE Probation and have a subsequent OSU term GPA below 2.5 and/or an OSU term completion percentage below 65% will be placed on COE Suspension.


Students on COE Suspension will be denied access to COE classes and removed from their COE major until reinstated. Please see our frequently asked questions for more information about reinstatement options. We recommend suspended students speak to an advisor about future educational goals.

Academic Standing Calculator

The College of Engineering has developed an academic standing calculator that can be used to determine your standing within COE. This calculator will give you a projected academic status and an explanation of this status based on your term and cumulative GPAs and completion rates. If you have any questions about using this tool or your standing within COE, please contact your advisor.

Frequently Asked Questions

The College of Engineering advisors developed a series of frequently asked questions based on student feedback regarding the Academic Progression Model. If you do not see the answer to you questions on that page, please be sure to contact your academic advisor for further clarification.